Devlog #002: Reactions & Remembering

Hey party people! 

As we embrace the crisp delights of autumn, we're still basking in the warmth of our reception at Gamescom and the wild reactions we got! We're also taking a moment to reflect on our game development journey. PAX West just concluded, and while we weren’t able to attend this year, PAX holds a special place in our hearts as it was pivotal in our start on this game dev adventure. Read more below!


You’ve been incredibly kind to us these past two weeks! We were absolutely floored by the reactions to our latest trailer. Thank you so much to everyone who watched! It was truly amazing to see it air during Gamescom Opening Night Live. We were especially captivated by all the streams that reacted to our trailer. Moments like these remind us why we’re making games in the first place.

Since we’ve never experienced anything quite like this, we decided to put together a highlights reel. It was tough to choose from all the fantastic reactions and streams, but we did our best to compile a collection of some of the most fun ones. You can check it out on YouTube here:

Huge thanks to all the content creators who took the time to share reactions. The whole thing has really refueled us for the work ahead. We are more motivated than ever!


Preparing for PAX West 2022 was simultaneously nerve-racking and exciting since this was the very first time we were showcasing Begone Beast to players that weren’t industry people or immediate family members. Ahead of time, we prepared these snack bags as a “thanks for playtesting!” for attendees that playtested the demo. 

Snacks have always been core to the gameplay (more on that in future posts!) and wanted to incorporate it in our playtesting experience. There is something uniquely wholesome and childlike about having a snack bag- as well as feeling a bit like you are on an adventure. Clarissa’s brother was living in Seattle at the time and we shipped 3 huge boxes full of snacks and supplies so that he could drive it over to the convention center, while we flew from Los Angeles. 

We were set up amongst other indie developers who were the best neighbors! Hydes: Haunt & Seek by Smol Games and 30XX by Batterystaple Games. Our booth design was basically just a huge TV- The goal was to get people seeing it for the first time to say “What the f*** is that??!” And I think we did a pretty good job accomplishing that. It was Clarissa’s brother (the same one who drove the snacks) that had the idea for the demon horn light rope haha!

One of the many highlights of our PAX West demo was the head-wobble feature in our character selection screen. It had a simple red background. Once you locked in your character, you can bobble their head with the joystick and scream with the buttons. We have since changed the character select- but we’ve preserved the head-bobble mode in other fun ways. But that will be for another post!

So again- Huge thanks for all the great feedback. We will have much more to share soon! And, as always *DEEEEP BREATH* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!


Devlog #001: How it all Begone!